Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Cultural Anthropology The Study Of The Human Condition Essay Example For Students

Cultural Anthropology : The Study Of The Human Condition Essay One cannot generalize or predict all human behaviors, thought processes, morals, and customs. Because human nature is dominated by different types of cultures and societies in various parts of the world, this can often lead to misunderstanding which ultimately leads to the illusion of cultural superiority, and in most cases this can lead to genocide the systematic murder or annihilation of a group of people or culture. Anthropology is the study of humans, our immediate ancestors and their cultural environments this study stems from the science of holism the study of the human condition. Culture is crucial in determining the state of the human condition, as the cultures are traditions and customs that are learned throughout an individual s lifetime. Anthropology is crucial in studying the evolution of global societies and how it affects us as humans. Cultural anthropology is the study of human societies and cultures. It analyzes similarities and differences in various cultures and societies. Culture is learned and affects our perception of the world throughout our life. Overtime, a sense of cultural superiority is formed amongst individuals who are constantly exposed to their own culture. Anthropology can help eliminate culturally based biases, also known as ethnocentrism. It is a common practice we all in engage in when evaluating other cultures, however, by practicing anthropology this allows us to learn about other cultures by placing themselves into the cultural environment allows us to learn the traditions and customs by experience. Marjorie Shostak`s study of the !Kung people revealed that they organized themselves differently than Western cultures, which included solving conflicts with discussion, communal behavior, an. .s own issues allows us to help other cultures suffering with the same issues come up with solutions and to make a fair society for individuals.Anthropology is a crucial science when it comes to understanding the human condition, as it is important to understand how culture and society influence the individual throughout their life. Culture shapes the individual s moral values and perception on the rest of the world. Anthropology has proven and shown that we still utilize ancient food production strategies, such as horticulture, agriculture, and pastoralism. These are ways of living that we still employ today, and with further academic evaluation we can perhaps help modernize food production and other areas of culture. Either way, anthropology is crucial in understanding how humans in different groups behave and think, and how this impacts the human condition.

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