Thursday, August 27, 2020
Analyze Individual And Societal Influences
Break down individual and cultural impacts that lead to aberrance from predominant gathering standards. Individuals who become some portion of a gathering or are individuals from that gathering share comparative qualities of a similar sort. â€Å"When there is verification of the uniqueness of a group, such individual is accepted to have an impact of odd one out, as he rejected rules of the gathering and left the gathering. People who are individual from the gathering experience more difficulty with party individuals as opposed to out-bunch members.†(Fiske, 2010)Differences happen when a person of a gathering comprehends and sees the ramifications of having a prize for their conduct. Distinction happens when people comprehend and see the cost ramifications to remunerate their conduct. This conduct, aberrance, is considered diverting and awful impact. It is viewed as negative when related with hoodlums and addicts. Individuals who go amiss, can build up a feeling of self-chara cter and genuinely know about the choice they are making.â€Å"Anomaly happens on the grounds that individuals build up a personality sense or self-comprehension, which turns into their own life standard,†anyway a significant number of these individuals from the gathering become â€Å"anomaly learned contra traditional ways or goals and mentalities of help in their initial socialization. â€Å" An individual is set up for aberrance with this kind of learning and social conduct that gets ready for disposal of traditionalist standards and authenticity from the group.The procedure of abnormality occurs with ordinary learning forms and with various hypotheses of affiliation, demeanor learning, inspiration esteems and information to a degree that these turns out to be a piece of his character and makes the person in question sufficient for responsibility. The learning procedure and the socialization help the individual change an extremely straight forward experience taking out every single traditionalist standard to unbiased spot, disposing of the blame, fundamental significant individual characteristics.Also, deviation of a gathering is feasible for having people who have rousing conduct however no way of turning into a pioneer in the gathering. There are measures that are required as key component to dispose of propensity of the gathering going for aberrance. The most significant factor of forestalling aberrance inside the gathering is correspondence of sentiments. â€Å"If individuals from a gathering are members who are dynamic, who realize they have a potential in the gathering, who are notable of their aptitudes or position in the gathering, which is more averse to digress from the gathering.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Human Resource Management of eBay in China Essay
Human Resource Management of eBay in China - Essay Example eBay’s disappointment in China is inferable from its unbending and item focused methodology that didn't supplement shopper conduct in China. Social contrasts, interesting qualities of Chinese purchasers and thus their requests from e-shopping vary unfathomably from that of American purchasers. This difficult recognizable proof needs the improvement of proper answers for support eBay tackle the danger of prevailing rivalry in China that is being presented by Taobao. An accomplishment in doing so would permit eBay to catch the blasting e-shopping market in China which is required to develop to a surprising $315 billion dollars by 2015 and in this way, presents a fantastic open door for eBay to push ahead with its arrangements of worldwide extension. The report proposes a fuse of the aptitude of neighborhood chiefs and laborers in the activities of eBay China to expel issues that are being presented by social hindrances. It ought to likewise be noticed that this Human Resource Ma nagement activity will likewise help in cost decrease and minimization. Decent variety in a workforce is necessary to thought age and would likewise help overhaul eBay’s plan of action to suit to the requirements of the Chinese C2C showcase. Downsides of the proposed arrangement are additionally examined and it is prescribed that further reports are dispatched to evaluate the legitimacy of the said disadvantages and how they ought to be limited. Substance 1.Terms of Reference 3 2.Literature Review 5 3.Problem Identification 7 3.1 Background 7 3.2 Competition from Taobao 9 3.3 Cultural Issues 10 3.4 Unique Characteristics of Buyers 10 3.5 eBay’s Business Model 11 4.Evaluation of Alternatives 11 4.1Employing Local Managers 11 4.2Transferring Core Employees with Chinese Background 13 5.Recommendations 14 6.Reflective Appendix 15 References 17 1. Terms of Reference eBay is a worldwide web based business that goes about as a middle person between purchaser to-customer excha nges for a wide scope of items that incorporate gadgets, vehicles, garments, sporting equipment and a few different items falling under different classifications. eBay entered the Chinese market in 2003 through its obtaining of EachNet (Zhang et al. 2009) bearing in mind the end goal of increasing a significant piece of the pie and to rehash the achievement that it had accomplished in the U.S. In any case, as industry examiners would later report eBay neglected to contend with the predominant power of Taobao †a neighborhood site that was propelled by Alibaba in order to battle the approaching danger that eBay presented to venders in China’s blasting web shopping market. While, observers and experts have clearly clarified the reasons why eBay in the long run couldn't have a huge effect on the internet shopping market in China, note that quite a bit of that conversation has been coordinated towards surveying similar examinations between the plans of action of eBay and its foe Taobao. The motivation behind this report nonetheless, is to concentrate explicitly on the Human Resource Management of eBay in China so as to use the assessments got from the evaluation to propose proposals and recommendations that could be attempted by the global partnership. The report intends to do as such by characterizing the issues and issues that eBay looked in the Chinese market which acted like obstructions in permitting the association to catch an impressive piece of the overall industry inside the business notwithstanding intense rivalry. These fundamental issues incorporate investigating
Friday, August 21, 2020
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Monday, May 25, 2020
Compare and Contrast 12 Years a Slave and Django Unchained
For my essay I will compare and contrast the themes between 12 Years a Slave and Django Unchained, two movies that differ immensely when it comes to the direction and delivery of their respective plots; while still holding some key similarities such as their motifs and themes throughout both films. It s those similarities however is also where we can dissect the corresponding differences such as how â€Å"heroes†and â€Å"villains†are portrayed entirely different from one another. And by using key examples I also aim to show how 12 Years a Slave and Django Unchained are prime examples of how one movie can break the usual feel-good clichà © plot that all American cinema seems to portray; while the other follows a more traditional route that we†¦show more content†¦For when Solomon, the main character seeks his own form of redeeming himself; the usual route of Hollywood is to create a response/event so that the audience entertained rather than the character de veloping further. Such is the case with Django Unchained, a story where Django is constantly called to respond and act in a masculine way. Whereas in 12 Years a Slave, theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Django Unchained And 12 Years A Slave1543 Words  | 7 PagesAt first, I wanted to analyze the movie Django Unchained and how it took a somewhat satirical approach on slavery and how slaves were treated in the 19th century. But when I saw 12 Years a Slave, and how it took a more serious approach on how slavery was in the 19th century. There were a lot of compare and contrasts that came up as I finished watching both films. So nonetheless, this is a double feature analysis on Django Unchained and 12 Years a Slave. Here I will summarize and discuss about the
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Analysis Of John Knowless Ode To Jealousy - 1405 Words
Everyone experiences jealousy at some point of their life. As discussed in Parul Sehgals TED Talk titled, â€Å"Ode to Jealousy,†one can become jealous of a material subject such as grades, or clothing. Humans could also become jealous of someone’s relationship or the relationship of their own, such as what Hara Marano talks about in her article â€Å"Jealousy: Loves Destroyer.†This so-called â€Å"Green-Eyed Monster†seems to come when it pleases, but never seems to leave without a trace. Jealousy makes us do pretty crazy and bizarre things, such as the situation with Gene and Finny, two 16 year-old boys that are the main characters in the book A Separate Peace written by John Knowles. While it may seem that jealousy comes and goes, the Green-Eyed†¦show more content†¦Gene states, â€Å"He had never been jealous of me for a second. [...] I was not of the same quality as he,†(Knowles 59). Jealousy takes Gene for a ride and causes many i ssues between the two boys. This also occurs in Sehgal’s story about her eight year-old self. In her story, she describes her elementary school rival as having, â€Å"vast quantities of very shiny hair and a cute little pencil case, super strong on state capitals, just a great speller†(Sehgal). Sehgal also stated that she, â€Å"just curdled with jealousy that year.†As an eight year old, she still felt the emotion of jealousy, and quite passionately. These two stories have been told or experienced by people under the age of 25. By that point in time, not many people under the age of 25 have really experienced life the fullest. You’ve only ever been in the safe place of your home of your school. Along with being very young and still experiencing jealousy, both stories consist of people having second thoughts or doubts on their abilities. Gene became jealous of the way Finny was able to easily play any sport he wanted and became exceptionally good at it. Gene undermined his academic strengths just because he was unable to play sports like Finny. Sehgal also seemed to have some insecurities about her academics and started a rivalry with the new girl. She became overly jealous on how perfect the new girl seemed and how she was so academically inclined.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Google Financial Analysis On The Health Of A Business
Google: Financial Analysis Financial statements provide a picture of the health of a business is and how prepared they are to face the challenges ahead. Publically traded companies are required to post financial statements and a detailed 10-K report on the SEC website. This is a tool that creditors, analysts, and investors use in assessing the health and future of a company. This information is also used by management and decision makers to spot potential problems and move in a more positive direction. Google has enjoyed great success, but they are not immune to challenge and their 10-K report is an accurate representation of these challenges. Google’s Business Model Google is a global technology leader providing products and services†¦show more content†¦Factors include increasing competition, changes in property, platform, and geographical mix, challenges maintaining growth rate, and the evolution of the online advertising market including an increased variety of online platforms. Google believes they will experience downward pressure as a result of increased competition and expenditures. All of these factors could have an adverse effect on Google’s financial results. Analysis of Financial Ratio’s A successful business requires effective planning and financial management. Ratio analysis can improve understanding of the financial results and trends over time, providing key indicators of organizational performance (Demonstrating Value, n.d.). Financial ratios are used by stakeholders including creditors, corporate controllers, accountants, financial analysts, and investors. Analyzing ratios can help determine the liquidity, profitability, debt management, and stability of a corporation. Time series analysis allows users to see where a company has been and where they appear to be going and comparing the ratios to competitors offers insight into the ability to compete and thrive in their markets. DuPont Ratio’s DuPont analysis is a method of performance measurement started by the DuPont Corporation in the 1920s (Investopedia, n.d.). Total asset turnover indicates how much revenue is generated from every dollar spent on
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Understanding Public Relations Digital and Social Media
Question: Describe about the Understanding Public Relations for Digital and Social Media. Answer: Part A: Essay (Draft) Introduction Digital and social media is a new computer mediated tool for social interaction. Through this tool two or more person can interact with each other at the same time. Social media can form virtual community and configure network for people of similar mentality and area of interest. This media can help in marketing and corporate communication too. Company can have its own social media account through that it can communicate B to B, B to C and also B to P level. B to P indicates business to people. Public Relation or PR is the way of communication for the organization with people (Mangold, and Faulds, 2009). The major intention of PR is to develop a positive public image for the organization. In contemporary time digital social media is also getting accepted as effective tool for public relation. Social media can cajole grater audience to take part in an interactive communication process. Corporate houses are trying to exploit that attribute to gain a strategic leverage through communica tion. This essay will make an attempt to trace the influence of social media in contemporary PR practice. Main Body Media relation is the process of responding to press and media. Company offers its responses through the press releases. Fundraising is the process of raising fund to address any demanding social need. Sponsorship is the process to gain financial back up for a specific activity. Advertising is the process of dispersing the massages to the grater audience. Marketing is the process of creating communication and delivering the offer to the interested customer. The new media called Digital and social media offers an interactive mode of communication and patronized individuals involvement to facilitate decision making. Social media sites have been considered as the most frequently visited sites in the world. The potential of these sites has already been realized by the PR professionals and digital social media has become the most effective toll for contemporary Public Relation (Rice and Atkin, 2012).The term digital and social media indicates the interaction among the people through digital platform and social media are certain websites that facilitate these interactions. Site such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Foursquare, YouTube and Vimeo accounts are falling under this category. Blogs also can be treated as part of it. This digital tool has become important part of contemporary PR practice. For an example it can be said that noted sports channel ESPN broadcasts live sports events at the same time they offer exclusive feed to digital so cial media site such as Twitter. Co creation value is one of the major influences of PR received from digital social media (Edwards et al 2013). Digital social media is offering the accessibility with the present customer and potential customer for the future. Company can gain leverage of value creation from the contribution of these people through social media. One of the major contributions of the social media is transformation of the PR communication process done by the social media. Through this the PR communication has become two way communications. It helps the marketing process by developing between consumers and manufacturer or seller. The product promulgation by the manufacturer can invite the feedback from the existing or potential customer will help that to get involved in co creation process of the product that can enhance the credibility of the value proposition of the manufacturer and can address real life demand of the customer. This practice will lead the firm to go towards enduring relationship with customers for future sustainability. Customer interaction through digital social media can help to improve the post purchase service of the company that can enhance the effectiveness of the PR communication for the purpose of marketing (Mangold and Faulds 2009). Apart from the B to C communication social media has also been generated influence over B to B communication. The propensity to developing connectivity with social media sites are getting enhanced day by day among the FTSE 100 companies. Companies are making their corporate website connected with social media sites. Three years ago only 35% companies were offering this facility but today it has become 72%, this statistics can indicate that the process of the corporate communication is gradually stared to realize the effectiveness of the social media. Social media tactics such as media optimization, branded page creation, user determination, frequent posting, photo sharing, has become part of the corporate communication now days. Digital social media is getting i nvolved effectively with crisis communication. Crisis communication is a type of communication needed at the time of crisis such as any accident or mishap of an aircraft. In contemporary crisis communication social media channels have become integral part of the whole communication process (Starbird and Palen, 2011). According to diffusion theory of Public Relation in order to adopt an idea people follow five discreet steps (Guth and Marsh, 2011). These are awareness, interest, evolution, trial, and adaptation. Social media can help the corporate to initiate first two processes because people are frequent visitors of digital social media sites. Regular visitation enhances the possibility of the engagement. Uploading new information on the daily basis will enhance the possibility of active engagement and that can lead towards involvement or farther relationship. Acceptability of any corporate brand emerged from brand evaluation made by the people. Perspective towards certain company is always getting underpinned by its corporate image, some time it worked as a representative symbol for the company. Brand community is user groups of consumer admiring a specific brand these people share some homogeneous value and sense of responsibility also act behind. These user groups of any particular brand beco me accessible through social media. This community manifests as a credible source to the individual (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010). The perspective development for the corporate communication process has been done through this way. Social learning theory of Public Relation is relevant to describe the situation in this regard. According to this theory mass media can become very important for the acquisition of the new behavior to the mass. The adaptation of the new consumer behavior or new brand preference can get possible through ever alive and ever active social media (Wright and Hinson, 2008). Conclusion The aim of this essay (draft) is offering an idea regarding the influence of social media over the contemporary PR policies of the corporate. The essay has describe the relevance of the digital social media is increasing not only for the B to C communication but also for B to B communication and the brand building procedure of the corporate houses. Worlds most frequent visited sites digital social media has manifested as a future tool for Public Relation. Reference Edwards, A., Housley, W., Williams, M., Sloan, L. and Williams, M., 2013. Digital social research, social media and the sociological imagination: Surrogacy, augmentation and re-orientation. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 16(3), pp.245-260. Guth, D.W. and Marsh, C., 2011. Public relations: A values-driven approach. Pearson Higher Ed. Kaplan, A.M. and Haenlein, M., (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media. Business Horizons, 53, (1), 59-68. Mangold, W.G. and Faulds, D.J., 2009. Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix. Business horizons, 52(4), pp.357-365. Mangold, W.G. and Faulds, D.J., 2009. Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix. Business horizons, 52(4), pp.357-365. Rice, R.E. and Atkin, C.K., 2012. Public communication campaigns. Sage. Starbird, K. and Palen, L., 2011, May. Voluntweeters: Self-organizing by digital volunteers in times of crisis. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1071-1080). ACM. Wright, D.K. and Hinson, M.D., 2008. How blogs and social media are changing public relations and the way it is practiced. Public relations journal, 2(2), pp.1-21.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Disability Management Practices in Canada
Table of Contents Introduction Work-life balance programs Paramedical and physiotherapy program Insurance programs Offering modified work Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Health, productivity, and well-being of employers and workers in the contemporary society are becoming increasingly vital aspects. The economic, emotional, and social costs of illnesses and injuries are so severe that organisations and governments across the globe are trying to establish practices and policies to alleviate these costs (Akabas and Gates 9).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Disability Management Practices in Canada specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of the practices that the government and organisations are adopting is Disability Management (DM). Disability management aims at assisting employees that suffer from illnesses or injuries while in their places of work. Initially, organisations could take staffs suffering from illnesses or injuries to offsite rehabilitation facilities. Nevertheless, the government and organisations are now involved in assisting the affected staff members within an organisation to ensure that their productivity is not affected (Akabas and Gates 11). Numerous countries are currently introducing disability management practices in workplaces, for instance, Canada, Australia, Britain, and the United States. Some of the practices include work-life balance programs, paramedical and physiotherapy programs, insurance programs, and offering modified work to employees who suffer from disabilities. This paper will focus on some of the best disability management practices employed in Canada. Work-life balance programs According to a study conducted on employees that take long before resuming to work after injuries or illnesses, the more such employees stay out of their workplaces, the more their chances of returning to work decrease. Employees that are out of work for over two years h ave 10 per cent chances of returning to the workplaces (Akabas and Gates 12). The work-life balance program is one of the best disability management practices. The program ensures that employees have enough time to relax after working and take adequate leave. This move helps in ensuring that employees do not suffer from work-related problems like stress, depression, and other mental illnesses. A work-life balance program is one of the disability management practices aimed at helping employees cope with the challenges encountered during and after an illness or injury. Whenever an employee suffers an injury or work-related illness and takes long at home, it becomes hard for such an employee to return to the workplace and associate with other employees (Akabas and Gates 13-17). Work-life balance program as one of the disability management practices entails coming up with modalities to accommodate an employee prior to his or her absence.Advertising Looking for report on business e conomics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Before the affected employee is allowed to take leave to cope with the illness or injury, the institution comes up with a program to modify the work schedule or workplace for the affected employee. At times, an employee may not be willing to return to his or her initial place of work due to the humiliation s/he went through initially (Akabas and Gates 19-24). Consequently, institutions with numerous branches may offer the affected employee a chance to work in a different branch. Besides changing the workplace, firms may work with the affected employee to come up with a work schedule that suits him or her, thus ensuring that s/he has adequate time to rest and attend to other personal duties. Through work-life programs, employers establish a work schedule with the help of the affected staff. In return, the staff members feel confident about the company as they acknowledge its concern. Wheneve r an employee takes long to return to his or her workplace after an illness or injury, s/he further suffers from the disgrace of the absence. Besides, it becomes hard to relate with other staff members on returning since s/he fears their reaction. Work-life balance programs seek to alleviate these challenges. They help in ensuring that employees return to work with limited challenges. The program helps in establishing an appropriate method of reintegrating the affected employees into a firm. Besides, the program establishes a working schedule that ensures that staff members have enough time out of their workplaces thus ensuring that they do not suffer from work-related problems. Paramedical and physiotherapy program Besides the work-life balance programs, the government and Canadian organisations are embracing paramedic and physiotherapy programs as another disability management practice. Institutions are turning to physicians to help them in ensuring that staff members that suffer injuries or illnesses at workplaces receive the best treatment and return to workplaces at the right time (Bruyà ¨re and Shrey 227). In the past, employees were only allowed to return to work if their employers learnt that they were capable of handling all job functions. The best thing with paramedical and physiotherapy program is that physicians help firms in coming up with varied accommodations, limitations, and restrictions, thus helping employees return to work within the shortest period after suffering from illnesses or injuries. Paramedical and physiotherapy program is a disability management program that Canadian organisations established to promote cooperation between employers and employees in the event of disabilities or illnesses (Bruyà ¨re and Shrey 22-234). Through the help of physicians, employers and employees come up with strategies to ensure that employees recover quickly from their illnesses or injuries thus returning to work.Advertising We will write a cust om report sample on Disability Management Practices in Canada specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Physicians assist firms to come up with medical inputs like limitations and restrictions to ensure that employees do not suffer from work-related injuries or illnesses. Moreover, the limitations and restrictions help in ensuring that staff members do not resume working while they still suffer from the illness. Physiotherapists help institutions in monitoring the recovery of the affected employees and help organisations in establishing a treatment program for the affected ones. Besides treating the affected employees, the program helps firms in coming up with strategies to prevent chances of other staff members suffering from the same problems (Bruyà ¨re and Shrey 237-242). Organisations use Paramedical and physiotherapy program as one of their disability management practices. Through the help of physicians and physiotherapists, institutions come up with programs to help their employees deal with all kinds of challenges that render them incapable of offering their services to an institution. The program entails establishing limitations and restrictions to ensure that employees do not engage in activities that subject them to health problems. Moreover, it involves treating the affected staff and helping them to recover from the illnesses, thus returning to work on time. Physicians and physiotherapists are indispensable instruments in helping organisations come up with efficient return-to-work programs. In a bid to enhance the success of paramedical and physiotherapy program, firms should establish a system that ensures timely correspondence among employees, employers, and physicians. Moreover, organisations should monitor their staffs regularly to make sure that they identify those suffering early enough and inform the physicians for timely and appropriate response. Insurance programs In Canada, employers work in collab oration with insurers in dealing with disability management. The role played by insurers in helping the employees cope with a disability is of immense help to firms. Insurers help in ensuring that employees encounter a smooth process when returning or leaving the workplace (Creen 5). Moreover, they assist in ensuring that employees do not encounter challenges when switching from one category of disability to another. Insurers are increasingly coming up with measures to address the ever-changing claims situation.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The benefit of insurance is that it helps employees receive their claims without difficulties, thus being capable of accessing medical attention on time (Creen 7). In return, employees do not take a lot of time away from the workplace. Another benefit of this program is that it saves employees from discrimination by ensuring that confidential information about their health does not leak to the employers. Insurance program involves a healthy interaction between the insurance agents and employers. With assistance from employers, insurers come up with tailored disability management programs for various employees. The insurer allocates a devoted disability team to an organisation. This team works closely with employers to identify the challenges facing employees and come up with measures to address the same. In addition, through this program, insurers help firms come up with absence management practices and create a stable return-to-work formula (Creen 6). Employers and insurers attend regular workshops, which equip them with requisite skills for dealing with intricate disabilities like mental disorders. The program gives employers and insurers an opportunity to monitor how the affected employees are responding to treatment and organise for further consultations, thus ensuring that employees recover from the disabilities within the shortest time possible. Currently, insurers are working with employers to establish rehabilitation programs and early intervention mechanisms to facilitate in curbing disabilities (Creen 7-9). Besides, they are establishing training and mentorship programs to help employees deal with challenges that result in disabilities. Insurance program as one of the disability management practices helps Canadian employees receive timely medical attention whenever they suffer from any disability at workplaces. Employers work with insurers to ensure that employees receive financial assistance within the shortest time possible. Besides, they monitor e mployees to see that they recover from the disability and organise for further consultations in case they realise that an employee is not recovering as expected. The insurance program not only helps in addressing the disability problems that employees face in Canadian institutions, but also in avoiding chances of employee discrimination by protecting confidential information about their health. Offering modified work One of the key features of disability management practices is offering modified work to employees suffering from any disability. Rather than dismissing the affected employee, an organisation may make some alterations on job specifications of the affected employee (Westmorland and Buys 31). Modification may entail cutting down on the workload, reducing the number of hours worked, or assigning the affected employee to a less demanding task. The main reason why this practice is among the best disability management practices is that, it helps institutions maintain their pro ductivity by ensuring that they continue exploiting the affected employees’ skills. Besides, the practice saves the company from the costs associated with hiring and training new employees (Westmorland and Buys 33). Another benefit of offering modified work to employees suffering from disabilities is that it helps in reducing chances of firms entering into conflicts with employees, which may ruin the organisational reputation. In Canada, most organisations turn to work modification as one of the disability management practices. Some of the factors that lead to employees suffering from disabilities include workload and the number of hours worked per week. Employees working in highly demanding jobs tend to suffer from numerous disabilities like backache (Westmorland and Buys 35-38). Therefore, to deal with this disability, firms reduce the number of hours the affected employee works in a week. At times, organisations may move the affected employee to a less demanding job to fac ilitate in his or her recovery. Moreover, they make the working environment more flexible to help the employee take a rest at intervals during the working hours. Firms allow their employees to have job control as a mechanism to reduce chances of most of them suffering from work-related disabilities (Westmorland and Buys 39-40). Employers allow their staff to modify their workplaces to enhance their working conditions. Offering modified work is one of the strategies of disability management practices in Canada. Organisations modify works for individuals suffering from disabilities as a way of helping them return to their full potential with limited difficulties. The practice entails reducing the workload, number of hours the affected employee works for per week, and transferring the affected employee to a less demanding job. For effective disability management through offering modified work, it is imperative that employers involve the affected employees in coming up with the most app ropriate modifications. Conclusion Organisations are currently switching to disability management practices as one of the methods of dealing with work-related injuries and disabilities. In Canada, organisations use numerous disability management practices. These practices include work-life balance programs, paramedic and physiotherapy programs, insurance programs, and offering modified work to employees who suffer from disabilities. All these measures facilitate in ensuring that employees who suffer from work-related disabilities return to work with limited difficulties. The practices help institutions overcome costs associated with hiring and training new employees; besides, they help organisations preserve their reputation by ensuring that they do not conflict with their employees. Works Cited Akabas, Sheila, and Lauren Gates. â€Å"Organisational commitment: the key to successful disability management.†American Rehabilitation 16.3 (2006): 9-24. Print. Bruyà ¨re, Susanne, and Donald Shrey. â€Å"Disability management in Industry: A Joint Labor-Management Process.†Rehabilitation Counselling Bulletin 34.3 (2007): 227-242. Print. Creen, Marg. â€Å"Best practices for disability management.†Journal of the Ontario Occupational Health Nurses Association 2.4 (2002): 5-9. Print. Westmorland, Muriel, and Nicholas Buys. â€Å"A comparison of disability management practices in Australian and Canadian workplaces.†Works 23.1 (2004): 31-41. Print. This report on Disability Management Practices in Canada was written and submitted by user Karly Bernard to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Riordan Manufacturing Essays - Change Management, Motivation
Riordan Manufacturing Essays - Change Management, Motivation Riordan Manufacturing Identify the potential sources of resistance to change and develop strategies to resistance to change. Riordan Manufacturing are going through different changes, the management team have to come up with a solution that will allow the company to have a smooth transition from one phases to another. In making the transition the management team will sometimes run into resistance within the organization and employees. Such as, poor communication in why the change is taking place. Also, individuals fear of unknowing the impact that the change will bring within the workplace. Employees that cant adapt to change will cause more resistance than any sources there is in the organization. When implementing new technology, also cause doubt in their ability to adapt to change. Riordan Manufacturing biggest encounter is handling conflict which has implied an delayed. According to Robbins loss of loyalty or motivation, increased errors or absenteeism, are more subtle, more difficult to recognize for what they really are. Resistance of change will make it difficult for any organization to advance forw ard. There are many different ways that and organization can overcome resistance. Riordan Manufacturing management will have to have good communication skills. In order to reduce the resistance, the management will have to educate the employees on the new technology equipment. Furthermore, management will have to explain in a logical form for the employee to understand why the change has to take place. However, according to Robbins workers panic and apprehension are elevated, recommending and treatment, along with innovative abilities preparation, and rewarded leave of absence may facilitate adjustment. Resistance to change is not all negative there are positive aspects to change. In and open discussion one will find out that resistance is and can be formed in a positive aspect. Recommend a strategy to implement the change over the next 12 months. The strategies that Riordan Manufacture will consider would be increasing sales and stabilizing profits in order to able to give employees incentive, this must be dealt with from the inside to the outside of the organization. Riordan Manufacturing must execute a plan that management will be able to work effectively and efficiently with the new customer relation management team. The upcoming goal is to execute a plan for the next 6 to 12 months to motivate, encourage, and improve companys values and morales. Riordan Manufacturing plan should clearly identify and define salarys pay scale within the first three month. Furthermore, the next six months were implemented an incredible incentive page to boost sale and employees that has low- self-esteem about their ability to adapt reasonably. Last there will be enactment evaluation process that will be implemented in the next 12 months. This will allow clarity and exceptional strategy that will align business and employee enhancement reward s. Robbins, S. P. (2011). Organizational behavior (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
The effectiveness of international criminal law demands clarity in Coursework
The effectiveness of international criminal law demands clarity in respect of the law and jurisdiction and fairness in its enforcement requiring state support. Discuss - Coursework Example International criminal law (ICL) is not an old maxim. The concept generally emerged after the occurrence of World-War II. However, even after more than 50 years of its development, the law is still subjected to numerous contentions and controversies. Several international lawyers strongly believe that ICL lacks uniformity and autonomy that makes quite difficult for its widespread application. At the same time, it is debated that ICL has complex and rigid impact on the sovereignty of a nation. The major sources of ICL are identified to be treaties, Customary International Law (CIL), general principle of law, judicial decisions and learned writing. The scope and operation of these sources of ICL in establishing liability for crimes are argued to be not clarified. The role of International Criminal Courts (ICCs) in prosecuting the international grave crimes such as genocide, war crime and crime against humanity are claimed to be extremely important. However, according to the principle o f complementarity, ICCs are entitled to intervene and criminalise crime only when states are unable or unwilling to provide proper jurisdiction1. Against this backdrop, the study discusses about the effectiveness of ICL, which demands clarity in respect of the law and jurisdiction and fairness in its enforcement requiring state support. International criminal law (ICL) is a discrete body or subsection of public international law. In general, international law deals with inter-state relations, while ICL is paradigmatically related with restrictions placed to individuals. More specifically, international law defines responsibilities of individuals rather than states. Correspondingly, the individuals who are imposed with responsibilities are prohibited and punished according to international mechanism wherein their acts are deemed to be violation or crime under international
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
The American History Cookbook Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 18
The American History Cookbook - Research Paper Example Peanut butter is a favorite spread on bread. Peanuts are either fried or roasted. They help maintain healthy body weight, reduce the risk of heart disease and reduce diabetes risk. Peanuts reduce obesity through the provision of fiber and improvement of the digestive system. The absence of peanut would mean no peanut butter in snacks, a not so interesting though. Potatoes are a good source of starch. Chips are a favorite food for many of the Americans. Potatoes are fried, baked, boiled and fit in to make so many recipes ranging from potato soup to potato salad. They are a good source of potassium, helps regulate mineral balance and fluids, transmit nerve impulses and muscle contraction. Vitamin C, which also acts as an antioxidant is obtained from potatoes. They contain fiber that helps lower blood cholesterol. Vitamin B6, Obtained from potatoes, helps in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. Iron, a major component of hemoglobin that carries oxygen to parts of the body can also be sourced from Potatoes (Mark 10). Tomatoes emanated from South America. Thinking of their goodness from their red color, the health implications from consumption of potatoes are many. The value behind the red color of tomatoes is the presence of lycopene that is an antioxidant and a contributor towards healthy bones. Tomatoes can be made into fresh tomato sa lad, grilled together with pizza or even used to make vegetarian sandwiches. Chili Peppers are a common ingredient in menu’s worldwide. Delicacies with Chilli Spice, are a favorite option as the stinging sensation left on the tongue is refreshing. Capsaicin is an ingredient found in pepper and boosts metabolism. It also suppressed appetite and may ultimately, after using it for some time result in weight loss.Â
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Group members documents Essay Example for Free
Group members documents Essay When I compared with my group members documents, we had the same format of explaining only the bits that were different was that how much information each one had included. Also I found that I did not included a telephone number whom to contract if the candidate is not satisfy with the result. This was lacking from my document as we though it is very important to give feedback if the candidate arent happy with the company. We chose Chelsie letter because her letter stood out among us and she also explained in detail why the candidate was rejected in a very polite way and thanking the candidate twice one in the beginning and the other at the end. Also the fact that she has broken down into paragraphs explaining on the matter fact that why the the reason of not being successful. She has also stated that the company likes the candidate potential but there was another person who suited the best position so therefore she has explained that the candidate will be kept in a file informing when a vacancy arise the company will inform the candidate. By this it gives a little hope or a chance for the candidate that the company likes the candidate and they do not want to loose a potential candidate so therefore they kept the candidate to a hold position. Which I think will be easier for the company later on because they do not need to go through the interview process again when wanting to recruit a staff. The use of short simple paragraph also makes us choose her document. In the rejection letter it has included a brief summary of why the candidate is rejected and wishes the candidate best of look in the future for further career. For the induction programme I believe my document has included all the necessary information that needs to be included in an induction document. I included a logo and picture of the staff members. This is because it will help enhance the look of the document as well as represents the company staff which in a result it will look interesting to read and candidate know the company dress code. The company follows the legal legislation as ASDA employ all kind of people to give everyone an equal opportunity to work in the company. Which you can see in the picture. I used bold and bigger font size for the main heading as it will make it stand out from rest of the document. Furthermore, I also used bullet points so that it makes a lot easier for the candidate to read and understand not only that they will be able to see it quicker and get the main points without having to read thoroughly which leads to less time consuming. I divided the parts into sections such as what the first day will include and the second day etc. Which will be helpful for the candidate to know before hand as they can get to prepare earlier. When comparing my document with my group members I found out that all of us had quite a similar documents. Only the layout and designs of the documents were different making it easier for us to choose. Taking it consideration about that we chose Arry document because we felt his document was very professional. This is because he has used text box and simple language with short paragraphs and bullet points to make it easier for the reader to read. Also dividing each of the information into three bits makes it more helpful to understand because it sates what each paragraph represents. The most important part that made us choose was that he included a time table for the candidate to follow which is very useful because it allows the candidate to follow what will be held in that day and it is less likely for the candidate to get lost in the place. For the motivational package again I believe in my document I have stated all the information that needs to be in a motivational document. Again in the document I included a logo and a picture of the company main managers and supervisors. Which makes the document look attractive. I have included all the financial and non financial benefits that the company offers to the candidates. For example I have included them in using bullet points and in short paragraphs explaining in brief summary what each benefits counts and what candidate are able to get. When comparing my document with my group members I think that my document is lacking with so many different points. For example I do not have a front cover for the motivational document which now I think it is important to have as it reflects the overall page of the document. I have not stated a brief summary about what benefits candidate can get and how they can apply to. I have just stated some and the very popular benefits. I also havent included all the benefits that the company offers to the candidate which in result candidate wont be able to know all their benefits which I think it is a very serious matter to take action on to the company if they do not fully explain the benefits. There are many things that I need too improve in order for my document to look professional as good as my group members document. For the motivational package I personally think that I have created the worst document and it is not created to a high standard level among all other previous documents I have produced. I believe that is why for my motivational document it was not chosen by the group members as my documents information were too many missing. So therefore, for the final document we chose Chelsie document. This is because her document is the best among us. Such as she has a massive detail about the motivation as how to encourage staff to work harder to earn the benefits that the company offers to them. We believe that the whole point of the motivational package is to encourage staff to work hard. Her document is well structured in informing the full summary of the benefits the candidate are entitle to which makes it very informative. The use of short and simple paragraph makes it even look better as you can quickly read and get the information fast and its quite straight forward. The rest of our document has also got the relevant information but not that detail like Chelsie. So therefore we chose Chelsie document for the final version of our group document.
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Dominance of Biomedicine and Challenges to its Discourse Essay
Contemporary approaches in understanding health, illness and its treatment largely differ from the traditional way of treating people’s health conditions. For instance, before the â€Å"Age of Reason†beliefs about vindictive spirits, evil and divine intervention, and practices of sorcery and witchcraft were widely held (Porter 1997 as cited in Williams, 2003). Another example is the practice of Greek medicine; a more naturalistic approach used by the practitioner to tune the body through humoral theories of balance and lifestyle modification. Similarly, during this age, the combination of physical, emotional, and spiritual factors contributed to the development of the â€Å"sick man†(Williams, 2003). These medical teachings were authoritative until the eighteenth century. However, towards the nineteenth century, numerous discoveries such as Vesalius’ anatomical atlas and Harvey’s process of blood circulation challenged mainstream medicine, which p aved the way for the rise of a newer and more systematic form of medicine (Williams, 2003, p. 11), marking the growth and supremacy of scientific medicine. The evolution of scientific medicine is well documented in several literature (Gabe, Keheller, & Williams, 1994; Longino, 1998; Marcum, 2008; Morris, 2000; Quirke & Gaudilliere, 2008; Williams, 2003). A progressive shift from preference of either licensed or unlicensed healers to the legitimization of the medical profession and medicalisation of natural life experiences had occurred (Gabe, et al., 1994). With this, scientific medicine, commonly known as biomedicine, continued to dominate the discourse of health and illness from the end of the 18th century up to the present (Williams, 2003). Despite this perceived supremacy, scientific medicine... ...s of thi sTrial Apply? The Lancet, 365(9453), 82-93. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(04)17670-8 Thorpe, R. D. (2008). Integrating biomedical and CAM approaches: The experiences of people living with HIV/AIDS. Health Sociology Review, 17(4), 410-418. Tonelli, M. R., & Callahan, T. C. (2001). Why Alternative Medicine Cannot be Evidenced-Based. Academic Medicine, 76(12), 1213-1220. Torgerson, D. J. (2003). Avoiding Bias in Randomised Controlled Trials in Educational Research. British Journal of Educational Studies, 51(1), 36-45. Williams, S. J. (2003). Medicine and the body. London: SAGE publications Ltd. Xue, C. C. L., Zhang, A. L., Lin, V., Costa, C. D., & Story, D. F. (2007). Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in Australia: A National Population-Based Survey. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 13(6), 643-650. doi: 10.1089/acm.2006.6355.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Colony Textile Mills Essay
History Colony Group is one of the leading and oldest Textile Manufacturing group in Pakistan. The 1st industrial venture of the group was in cotton ginning sector back in 1881. Gradually the group diversified in to flour milling in the early 1900s. First textile spinning plant was put up in 1946 under the name of Colony Textile Mills Limited. The Group further ventured in to Banking, Insurance, Cement, and Power Generation & Distribution. By 1952 Colony Textile Mills Limited was a composite textile plant with a 120,000 spindles, 1,500 looms, and fabric finishing capacity in excess of 150,000 meters per day. Nationalization of 1972 took most of the business away, leaving Textile and Insurance in the Group. Presently, there are two companies in the group, namely, Colony Textile Mills Limited (CTM) with about 195,000 Spindles, and Colony Industries (Pvt. ) Limited (CIL), consisting of 35,000 Spindles and 418 Air Jet Looms. Width | Looms| | 190cm| 180| 176 Cam +12 Dobby + 12 Crank (20 Looms with Batchers)|210cm| 24| 24 Cam Looms (4 Looms with Batchers)| 280cm| 26| 20 Cam + 6 Dobby| 340cm| 188| 174 Cam + 14 Dobby| Competitive Dimensions CIL is a very strong and only group that has 418 Looms in same place. This helps in fulfilment of large orders at high speed. If the looms are installed at different locations large orders cannot be processed because of factors like communication barrier and increased cost of transportation etc. Another unique thing CIL has is the Automatic Drawing in machine. When order of new quality is received it needs to be designed for the loom to work on. If manually this process is done the time required to feed the new design in the loom would be around 16 hours. The time CIL takes to do the same task is just 2 hours with better efficiency. This automated machine is only available at CIL and increases order fulfilment speed. The power requirement for the setup of 418 looms, compressor fleets and other support functions is 8MW. The cost of power i. e. electricity is reduced to a greater extent by manufacturing through its own power generation system which produces 10MW through Natural gas. Moreover for an uninterrupted supply of electricity CIL has its own grid station. Similarly CIL’s own compressors fleet decreases the cost of raw material i. e. compressed air which prevents the machinery from heating up and maintain humidity and temperatures. Capacity Capacity or the production of looms greatly depends upon the quality of fabric. If fabric is of high quality production will be less. The reason behind this is high quality fabric uses fine threads. Production also depends upon the number of threads used in manufacturing. 6 million meters per month approx production has been recorded by CIL. Initially there were 120 looms at CIL. Capacity addition was done in March 2005 and 154 looms were added. Capacity addition for the 2nd time was done at the end of 3rd quarter by adding 144 looms making production capacity of 6. 0 million meters fabric per month. Core Services and Value Added Services The core service of CIL is grey fabric manufacturing. They don’t provide internal information of accounts, operations etc. to external people. However they provide samples to their clients which are sales support. Field support is also not easy in this weaving business but they do rectify the error within the specified time. Fail Safing techniques Automated motion sensors Automated motion sensors stop the process of creeling, sizing and weaving whenever a thread breaks down or any error appears in the process. This prevents errors from increasing. Online Inspection System Online Inspection system is a manual system by which errors can be checked by mills manager. The data is fed to the system by operators and is evaluated by mills manager for removal of errors. During Production Checks Technicians and operators are responsible for checking and removing the errors during production. After Production Checks Inspection and folding department rectifies error if it still exists before packing. After packing the order is randomly checked so that client gets error free order. Process Selection The type of processes they are using at the most basic level is Fabrication rocess that means Colony Industry converts their raw material i. e. raw yarn to grey fabric. Grey fabric is the form of fabric before printing or dying. This process of fabrication is termed as Weaving in the terminology of Textile business. Yarn flow is organized in the factory by process technology known as batch shop. Yarn is retrieved from yarn procurement department as the order is receive d for the production of grey fabric and then it is processed in the form of batches or order. Mill consists of 3 Units each having 2 Sheds which are control units. Hierarchy of authority is in Appendix. Each Unit is headed by Mills manger and so on. Production in charge are responsible for 60, senior technicians for 16 and Operators for 4-6 looms. Warping Creeling Quality Check Yarn High Spinning Mill Low Sizing Head Stock Warper Beams Drawing In Sizing Roll Inspection Bales Packaging Weaving Approve Pallets Disapprove Storage Treatable Treat Yes No Waste No Flow Chart Marketing department receives order and transfer production order to the mill. Mill staff plans the order and tells yarn procurement department for yarn purchase. This department purchases yarn from colony’s spinning mill and other spinning mills. The yarn is not stored at the mill but it is received from the source when needed. Once yarn is received by the mill it is sent to quality check department for inspection where yarn is weighed and tested for hair and tension. If the yarn is not approved, it is sent back to the source otherwise it is transferred to the next department. This yarn is in the form of spindles which is loaded on creeling machine manually. Then the process of warping starts in which these spindles are unrolled and rolled on the warping beams which are then transferred for sizing. In the process of sizing, starch and polyvinyl along with some other chemicals and water are cooked and applied to the yarn. This process makes yarn able to go through the next steps by increasing its strength and elasticity. After drying the yarn, ends are separated in a manner that they do not stick to each other. This dried yarn is rolled on temporary storage which has the size according to the width of the cloth known as sizing head stock. After the process of drawing in as explained previously, it is injected to the loom for the process of weaving. The temperature is controlled by a special system of compressor fleet. Once weaving is done, inspection of each inch of cloth is done for quality assurance where decision is made regarding acceptance, rejection and mending of cloth. After approval, it is sent for packing as mentioned in production order and if fabric is not approved, it is mended otherwise it is sent to the waste. Back Process: In Warping, the whole set-up is of Ben-Direct Benninger V 1080/2400. Colony Ind. has 6 Warping machines with the Creel Capacity of 1080 each. Each machine is with the electronic sensors for the tracing of broken ends. In Sizing, Colony has the Ben-Sizetech Zell KVE, Creel 32 WW/4000 machines. Colony has 4 Sizing machines, 3 with the Head Stock size of 4 meters. Total Creel Capacity ranges from 16 (1 m/c) to 28 (1 m/c) till 32 (2 m/c’s). The Sizing machine is with pre-wet technology with double dip sow-box. Colony has an additional facility of Beam Stacker which is not found anywhere else in Pakistan. Colony is equipped with 2 Beam Stacker from Formia Nova of Italy with total of 65 bars holding the capacity of 195 no of beams for Narrow & 130 no of beams for Wider. DRAWING-IN Colony has the state of the art 2 Automatic Drawing-In machine which is found rare in Pakistan. One machine is from Staubli (Delta 110-4) which has the capacity of 150,000 ends/day filling with the speed of 140 threads/min. The 2nd machine is from EL&M S. P. A (Super Vega) which has the 80 threads/min filling speed. Weaving Colony has the total production of 6. 00 million meters fabric/month with 418 looms all of Toyota JAT 710 in production. In the 190 cm section (Narrow looms), they have 180 looms, 24 with the batching motions. Folding machines has the total capacity of 25k/shift/machine. Rolling machine is with the production of 10000 meters fabric/shift/machine Quality Inspection/folding is the process for quality checks. In this process each inch of fabric is inspected. The quality of fabric depends upon the discretion of client and is checked according to the efficiency of loom stated in Production Order. Price also increases with the fineness of the fabric. During the process if any defect is found than it is decided according to the nature of the defect whether to allow it or treat the fabric. Then fabric is categorized into three grades A, B and C. A is finest category and is considered to be of export quality, while B and C are of lower quality. They follow 4 point system which allows maximum of 4 errors and is world wide accepted. Colony has fully equipped Quality Lab with all kind of testing equipments including the Uster Tester 4 for yarn checking. Quality Lab make sure that there is no compromise in the quality of the yarn used & the fabric produced. The whole set-up has the check points from Quality Department from Back Process to Article, from Inspection to packing, thus resulting in the production of 1st class A-Grade fabric as committed. Colony has the Wrapping Reel from Mesdan Italy with the Model # S-389 A used for the making of lea. It follows the ASTM standard ofD-1907-01. Auto Sorter is from Uster Switzerland with the Model PR 503 DR. Most Important machine in the Lab of colony is Uster UT -4 with the Model SE 400101-02100. Make of UT-4 is from Uster Switzerland for the checking of IPI’s in the yarn. For the checking of Hairiness in the yarn, colony has the Hairiness Tester from Zweigle Germany with the Model G-567. To check the Tear Strength of the fabric, colony has the Tear Strength Tester from Zweigle Germany with the model FX-3750. Their primary focus is quality because CIL is export based company. If quality is not up to the mark clients move to Bangladesh and China because they provide cheap products with low quality. Pakistani fabric is famous for its high quality and perfection. Recommendations: 1. Sales of local sector are dependent on few companies. The proportion of sales should be changed so that colony’s risk is minimized. This will also help in improving performance as it will result in sale increase. 2. Sale per order should be considered and goal should be â€Å"the more worth of order, higher should be the frequency of order. 3. Monitoring systems that allows online communication and control of looms should be installed to manage the system more accurately. 4. Employees should be decreased by bringing in automated creeling machine which reduces the time by automatically removing the spindles once the thread is removed from them. 5. Operations focus should be on wide looms as they have said that these wide looms have generated greater inflows. 6. Capacity addition should be kept in view as it has been around 3 years now before the last addition was made. 7. Training of employees by sending them to technical institutes abroad should be done as fail safing technique to reduce the chance of defect in the fabric. 8. Colony has fewer inflows in exports and greater in local therefore sales efforts should be engaged to increase local orders and increase inflows from exports. 9. Colony should use ingredient branding like they can market their cloth by informing clients about the brand of Looms Company have installed. 10. Operations policy should be made and reviewed continuously. Every employee should be involved in designing the policy. Appendix
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd ) - 1144 Words
Summary This article is all about AAI otherwise known as the animal-assisted intervention. AAI has been suggested time and time again as a possible treatment practice for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The Article starts off by talking about autism what it is and the diagnosis of it. It then goes into detail to talk about AAI; AAI is an alternative intervention that has developed into treating all sorts of individuals with a range of medical issues and developmental issues. The article talks about the lack of evidence to support the programs on AAI and its effects on children with ADS. IT goes into detail identifying 20 studies that were done to assess the effectiveness of AAI on ADS patients. They assess AAI by participant†¦show more content†¦Some forms of the methods include inclusion and exclusion criteria, search procedures, inter-rater agreement, data extraction, and lastly inter-rate agreement. The results based off of these methods look at the participants, an imal, dependent variable, measurement, study outcomes, and certainty of Evidence. The article shows a chart on the 20 different studies and their review and outcome out of the 20 8 had positive outcomes and the rest had mixed outcomes in regards to different animals being used for AAI intervention with different depend on variables. The article is summed up by saying that there is not enough concrete evidence to support AAI as a therapeutic intervention for children with ASD. Reaction: This article is very intriguing and describes Animal Assisted intervention and if it can be seen as a type of â€Å"intervention or treatment†for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Looking at all of the research and seeing all the data, I can see why it is so hard to try and have AAI be listed as an intervention for children with ASD. The conclusion of this article stated that there was simply not enough evidence to support AAI as a therapeutic intervention for children with ASD. However, I strongly disagree and think that AAI should be supported as a therapeutic intervention for children with ASD. I have been able to see first hand just how much AAI can be of help to a child who has autism. I have a younger
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